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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Theft of an Election. What if it was not so?

By: Philip Allen

Think about where the United States could be had we not allowed the theft of the elections in 2000 and 2004. We would not have had our country controlled by neo-con belligerents who already had the plan for war with Iraq before the elections were stolen. We would have one million or thereabout fewer of our young people permanently scarred by the trauma of war. We would not be on the hook for the war debt plus interest which our great grandchildren will continue to pay the one percenters. Our highways and bridges would not be in ruin. Our teachers, fire fighters, police and other civil servants would not be unemployed. Our research into cures for disease could have been continued and cures for diseases found. A meaningful and universal health care system could be well in place ending needless pain and suffering. Our educational systems could be fine tuned and could be turning out students second to none in the world.

Instead, we have been put into a system of distrust of our social services, hatred for our government, disdain for our teachers, hopelessness for our viability as a competitive force in world trade, manufacturing and leadership. Why is all of this happening? I would venture to say that it is because the one percent not only want it all but they have a deep and basic disdain and hatred for the common people of this country.

Oh, they are effective. They work on several fronts. One of the major fronts is their disinformation and propaganda front which is funded on one hand by corporate dollars through the Fox news operation. The other and more shameful is the Theologo-Fascist group which is financed by ignorant people trying to help Jesus. This is exceedingly irritating in that these charlatans, in the name of religion are operating in a tax exempt status doing things that would make Jesus vomit. Adding insult to injury, they pull back from paying their share of taxes while they make you pay for the government which allows these crooks to lie to you.

There is no question about it. There is a planned and well financed assault on our democracy by fascist zealots. Where they are in control, they make laws in order to limit funding of those agencies which stand in the way of all out fraud in business. They seek to eliminate all oversight on food and drug production, lending, fair trade, and government contract oversight.

They seek to have corporate take overs of city governments, public water supplies, sewer supplies, waste disposal, public health services, public education, law enforcement, correctional facilities, and next, all public transportation. There have already been attempts in Texas to turn over highways to corporate ownership and have them operate highways as toll roads.

It is moving steadily and gradually picking up speed in a tide of slime which will destroy our nation leaving nothing but paupers and middle east type dictators.

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