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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Christians Upset over Depp's Tonto being too Pagan in Lone Ranger Movie

Here is a prime example of how so many Christian activist have totally lost touch with reality. Their vision of the world is so warped and fanciful that it is very upsetting to them when reality hits them. But to them this reality is evil and should be avoided. Back to their hole and fantasy. First there is the story at about the Christian Film and Television Coalition whining about the movie "Lone Ranger" and the character Tonto who practiced what appeared to be Pagan rituals and how the Christians are the killers who slaughter the Indians, making the Christians look bad.  Second is the Christian Right's outrage of the Samuel Adams beer commercial named "Independence." Why? Because it modifies slightly some of the language in our declaration of independence in its dialogue. Really! Upset about a beer commercial because it didn't say Creator in the right spot. Again I say they are lunatics.

From the Raw There are plenty of reasons not to see the “Lone Ranger” reboot by Director Gore Verbinski, but Christian groups are protesting it for a whole other reason than regular reviewers. According to the Christian Post, conservatives are rankled that Tonto is not Christian enough and that the version of history being portrayed in the film is slanted against the right.
Dr. Ted Baehr of the Christian Film and Television Coalition told the Post, “The government is bad – the army is killing Indians – the bad guy is a businessman, the military-industrial complex is bad.” However, he said, “the Christians are not always bad.”
Baehr lamented that the villain of the film prays to Jesus before heading out to kill Native Americans and that “the pagan elements triumph because you’re looking at it from Tanto’s [sic.]point of view.”
He called the movie “such a mess” and said that it is another example of liberal left-wing Hollywood values being inculcated into children at a young age.
“When the values are lost and everybody capitulates to evil, then you’ve got a problem,” he concluded.
Right Wing Watch pointed out that Baehr was one of the right-wing luminaries whose reactions to last week’s historic Supreme Court rulings on same sex marriage were a little overwrought.
“The Supreme Court’s decision today is absolutely criminal,” he wrote in a statement. “Our local, state and federal governments, along with the courts, have created most of the alleged problems we see in many marriages and families today because they have accepted a radical Marxist, communist definition of taxation, culture, and government. We need to stand for God’s law in the face of the power-grab by those in civil authority who know no restraints.”
Focus on the Family’s Paul Asay said that Tonto’s lack of Christian spirituality is hardly surprising considering the state of modern cinema. “Spiritism is not an unusual thing to see in movies these days – magical elements that don’t exactly jive with Christianity,” he said.
The portrayal of Christians, he said of the film, “felt a little bit mean.”
“Most of the Christian characters are benevolently stupid or outright bad.”

Now for the beer commercial that also upset the Christian Right-Wing-Nuts.

Now can you really say this is anti-Christian?

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