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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quotes by a wise man Philip Allen

There is a man of great wisdom. A man who spent his life educating our children. A man who has lived long and experienced much. His insight into the state of America is remarkable. His name is Philip Allen.

These are some of his Facebook postings that state the truth of what is happening this 2012 election cycle and the future of our nation:

9/4/1012 "People, could we just have some honesty here for a change. This is the picture. The financial agencies stole billions and hid the money in private accounts in foreign countries so that it could not be tracked. They knew that they owned enough of the government so that they could get more money without strings. The corporations have a bird nest on the ground in that they can make billions of dollars and have us so happy about it that our government gives them billions more and have them pay no taxes. They know that if they intentionally create a situation of high unemployment, the dumb butts will blame it on the only person who is trying to look out for the working people and will complete the fascist take over by giving the fascist Republicans the White House and the Senate. Working our government and our economy in this manner guarantees that the middle class will be a thing of the past. Republicans are not your friends. They are a pack of greedy liars who want everything you have got."

9/4/2012 "This nation is in peril. The threat does not come at us from outward. The threat is from within. If one would think back to all of the things that Romney has said, you would realize that none of it has to do with your ideas on how the nation should operate. If you would think about how he described how discussions about the economy and future should be dealt with, he said that they should be discussed in quiet rooms. That is not planning, it is plotting, secretly, out of earshot of the public. His whole plan is to bring about what he wants, without consideration of your wishes or your well being. The whole plan is to use the Bain Blindside attack. The plan will be made in a quiet room without consideration for the people who will be blindsided."

9/4/2012 "How on earth could anyone pay attention to Paul Ryan for any time and not know that he is a dishonest person who has no intent of being truthful about his motives or the plans that he has for what he is going to do to this nation. Examine his and Romney's expressed plans for the future. They have not been the least bit specific except to say that they will go through the domestic programs and eliminate all of them which serve you and give tax breaks to more extremely wealthy people while increasing taxes on you. They will provide less funding for schools, law enforcement, health and human services. They will increase defense spending and make us a more bellicose nation which will remain feared and distrusted. They will increase chauvinism, jingoism, smarty pants and smug interaction with other nations. Diplomacy will be a thing of the past. You will be kept either unemployed or underpaid with no benefits and no job security."

9/3/2012 "I saw two pictures displayed together yesterday. One was at a Republican gathering. The other was at a Democratic Party gathering. The difference between the two was striking. The picture of the Republican gathering was monolithic in that it was almost all white. The one from the Democratic Party was warm and comforting in that it represented the true union of people from all races, religions and socioeconomic levels. I could not help but prefer that one as it appeared that those people had brought about an association of God's original intention. They stood together in all of their diversity. They had a beautiful unity in that they all had seemingly overcome greed and selfishness and stood for the common good of mankind. That is beautiful and a credit to what has been overcome to enjoy this brotherhood and unity."

9/3/2012 "The Republican Party promises things that they will not deliver. Their concern for employment figures has been to keep unemployment high to frame the question, "Are you better off than you were four years ago." Through their direct actions they have intentionally refused to allow infrastructure programs to be taken on. This accounts to refusing to let three million unemployed people have jobs and to do things that we need to have done. That scheming and underhanded abuse of our people and our safety should not merit one grain of trust and certainly should be enough cause to throw them out of power. They know that if three million more people were employed this would stimulate the economy and cause others to be employed due to the economic changes which would occur from having three million more buyers in the market. If people let the Republicans bring this evil plan to their goal, we really have a bunch of stupid people."

92/2012 "Kevin Hasset is a liar. He is glib and chooses his words carefully. He accuses Barack Obama as having the highest debt creation of any of the post war presidents. He would leave the impression that Barack Obama is a post war president when he inherited two wars that idiot Bush started and did not pay for. He excuses George W. Bush because as soon as he got in office he started wars he did not pay for. His tax cuts for the wealthy created great budget deficits but always remember that if you are listening to a Republican you are listening to a liar."

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